eco product von DE-PACK

Die eco-Produkt Kennzeichnung von DE-PACK steht für ein 100% ökologisch nachhaltiges Verpackungsmaterial.

nachhaltig ̉- recyclebar - bio - kompostierbar - umweltfreundlich

Wir setzen bei eco-Produkt Verpackungen Materialien ein, die entweder:

  • aus kontrollierten Recyclingkreisläufen stammen
  • die wiederverwertbar, recycelbar sind
  • die aus natürlichen Ressourcen bestehen
  • die aus ökologischen Rohstoffen gewonnen werden
  • die rückstandsfrei kompostierbar sind

Wir möchten mit unseren Produkten dazu beitragen, die immense Belastung auf unsere empfindlichen globalen Ökosysteme durch schädlichen Plastikmüll dauerhaft einzugrenzen.
Wenn Sie ihre Produkte mit einem guten Gefühl umweltgerecht Verpacken möchten, folgen Sie auf dieser Website einfach unseren grünen eco-Logos. Nutzen Sie unsere umweltschonenden Verpackungsmittel.

Welche Verpackungsmittel bieten wir Ihnen nachhaltig auf ökologischer Basis an?

Verpackungen aus:

Fragen Sie gerne nach nachhaltigen Verpackungskonzepten!

Klimaneutrale Verpackung

Wir möchten Vorbild sein und übernehmen Verantwortung. So positionieren wir uns zeitgemäß und aktiv im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit. DE-PACK bietet klimaneutrale Produkt-Verpackungen.

Was versteht man unter Klimaneutralität?

Der Begriff „Klimaneutral“ bedeutet erst einmal, dass durch den Einsatz von Produkten und Dienstleistungen die Menge an klimaschädlichen CO2-Gasen, die sich in der Atmosphäre befindet nicht weiter unnötig erhöht wird. Soll heißen, klimaschädigende Auswirkungen durch Emissionen in Produktionsprozessen zu minimieren. Ein wichtiger Schritt für den so wichtigen ganzheitlichen Klimaschutz.

Die Treibhausgaskonzentration ist überall auf der Erde nahezu gleich, da sich Treibhausgase wie CO2 gleichmäßig in der Atmosphäre verteilen. Folglich ist es irrelevant an welchem Ort der Erde belastende Emissionen verursacht bzw. vermieden werden. Handlungen und Prozesse können aber durch eine sogenannte Klimakompensation noch klimaneutral gestellt werden, falls bei ihrer Durchführung Treibhausgasfreisetzungen nicht vermeidbar waren. Das bedeutet, durch Klimaschutzmaßnahmen und Klimaprojekte an einem anderen Ort können sie rechnerisch ausgeglichen werden.


Was sind Klimaschutzprojekte?

Klimaschutzprojekte sind Maßnahmen deren Ziel es ist eine dimensionierte Emissionsvermeidung zu realisieren, die nachweislich Treibhausgase einspart.

Zum Beispiel können Projekte zur Gewinnung erneuerbarer Energien oder Aufforstungen bestimmter Gebiete mitfinanziert werden. Die Einsparungen durch die technische Kompensationen, wird durch unabhängige Institute (TÜV, SGS, PwC u. a.) genaustens kontrolliert. Der Projektverantwortliche kann dann durch den Verkauf von zertifizierten Emissionsminderungen das Projekt durchfinanzieren.

Welche Kriterien gelten für Klimaneutralität?

Um Klimaneutralität zu erreichen sind grundsätzlich alle Klimaschutzmaßnahmen, die den CO2-Fußabdruck von konsumierten Gütern oder Dienstleistungen auf Null reduzieren geeignet.

Weitere Kriterien sind:

  • Zusätzlichkeit
  • Dauerhaftigkeit
  • unabhängige Berechnung
  • unabhängige Überprüfung

Wie entstehen klimaneutrale Verpackungen?

Klimaneutrale Verpackungen entstehen in drei Schritten:

  1. Ermittlung der CO2-Emissionen des Verpackungsprodukts
  2. CO2-Kompensation durch Unterstützung internationaler Klimaschutzprojekte
  3. Transparente Prozessdarstellung

Wer ein Projekt klimaneutral betreiben möchte, sollte zunächst vorhandenes Einsparpotenzial voll ausschöpfen. Erst dann macht es Sinn, die unvermeidbaren CO2-Emissionen durch Klimaschutzprojekte auszugleichen. Der Weg zur Klimaneutralität führt in der Regel über drei Stufen:

Analysieren / Reduzieren / Kompensieren

Helfen auch Sie durch den Einsatz klimaneutraler Verpackungen Ihren Umweltbeitrag zum globalen Klimaschutz und unterstützen Sie gemeinsam mit uns bewährte Klimaschutzprojekte die zumeist in Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländern realisiert werden. Mit Ihren klimaneutral produzierten Verpackungen bekennen Sie sich zum Klimaschutz. Die Klimaneutralität bedeutet für Sie keinerlei Mehraufwand. Im Gegenteil Sie animieren Ihre Umfeld durch Ihr Vorbild zum Mitmachen.

Welche Verpackungsarten bietet DE-PACK Ihnen klimaneutral an?

Verpackungen aus:

  • Schaumstoff
  • Wellpappe
  • Vollpappe

Handeln Sie jetzt!

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Grass Packaging

Grass packaging consists of natural fibers that are processed in a particularly environmentally friendly way, without the use of chemical additives and water. This new type of fiber material impresses with its ecological features. The boxes are recyclable and of course meet all requirements for food packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

White Folding Box

We offer you single wall shipping boxes made of corrugated cardboard in practical sizes in both white and brown. The folding box in the picture is easy to open and close thanks to side flaps and an integrated hinged lid. The product can be easily removed through the grip hole. Recyclable, stable and sturdy due to double side walls.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Retention Packaging

With our high quality retention packaging, pruducts can be quickly and easily "clamped" under a sheet of film or masking tape thanks to folding technology. When the cardboard package is folded, the film or masking tape is stretched and the product is firmly fixed. Corresponding tuck inf laps on the lid of the packaging ensure secure closure of the final retention packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Membrane Packaging

Membrane packaging is a three-part solution that provides the best possible protection for high value and sensitive components. The product is suspended in the air space of the outer carton between two highly elastic, anti-slip films. This design protects the products from impact and damage and provides durable protection.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard Packing

Versatile packaging made of corrugated cardboard is best for shipping because it is easy to process, absorbs shocks, saves space, is easy to ship and saves money. With solutions from corrugated cardboard, we can meet the high requirements for safe packaging, due to the optimal design an packaging materials we use.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Cardboard Packaging

Convert your packaging to paper and cardboard packaging with us, now. Avoid plastic, for the sake of the environment. We offer a range of environmentally friendly packaging made from renewable raw materials.

Our packaging product Cardboard meets all the characteristics of sustainable packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM


ripplex - Formed Components from Corrugated Cardboard

ripplex parts are ecological formed components made of laminated corrugated cardboard sheets. Here we offer you a packaging material that saves time in the process of packing and eliminates the need for other materials. They provide high protection during transport, as they are load-bearing and resilient. Individually executable on request, with complex and accurate shapes and nests.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Packaging

Solid board packaging is made of different grades, each produced according to specific requirements. Standards available on the market are complemented by many individual options. Displays, outer packaging, transport packaging, efficient shipping packaging and more are available.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Retention / Membrane Packaging

Individual Solutions for the Protection of Sensitive and High Value Products

Retention packagings are differentiated in their function by one, two or threepart packagings, as well as membrane packagings, which are precisely fitting. Their biggest advantage is that they hold products absolutely tight, they can be loaded quickly, and cushioning material is reduced.

Discover an extensive range of versatile and innovative retention and membrane packaging solutions by DE-PACK.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM


reinpapier® is an innovative packaging product from DE-PACK. reinpapier® has exceptionally good environmental properties and can be optimally used for sustainable packaging projects. The ecological characteristics of the material can be seen in the videos above. Due to the high starch content of 70%, this packaging is naturally biodegradable within a few weeks.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM


FORMPAPIER® – Moulded Paper Pulp Parts of Highest Quality

3D paper compression moulding – shorten shipping time, increase flexibility!

Our 3D paper compression moulded FORMPAPIER® packagings are innovative and high quality solutions made out of a sustainable material: cellulose fibers. These are obtained from wood, recycled paper or other renewable materials and processed into a mouldable material suitable for the packaging production.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Constructive Bulk Packaging with Pulp Inlay

The ideal protection of goods can also be optimally implemented in large FORMPAPIER® inlays. The material is stiff enough to hold all components in place during transport. Sufficient nests and storage space for all small parts, cables and the sensitive large parts also ensure that the products are securely fixed.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

ripplex Packaging Box

Simple but effective! Several u-shaped corrugated cardboard cushions are glued together so that in the end a stable box is created. This solution offers high load-bearing capacity and is precisely tailored to the product. If you need cost-effective, simple and environmentally friendly packaging solutions, we can offer you great options with ripplex.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Padding Insert Made of FORMPAPIER®

With our 3D paper moulding process, we are able to customize any shape and size to fit the different products. We supply the packaging pads in very high quality with a smooth and fine surface. The packed product will not be scratched, so no plastic bags have to be used. FORMPAPIER® is an extremely environmentally friendly way of packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Device Packaging from Corrugated Cardboard

We offer our customers premium, printable corrugated cardboard packaging solutions for almost any application. Customized, cost-effective and well-planned. Since the products are relatively lightweight in this example, a low corrugation height is sufficient. Cables and accessories are stored in a separate box. The device is securely held in a die-cut cardboard. Your requirements are the most important criteria for us to design an effective and efficient packaging solution.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Combined Packaging with FORMPAPIER®-Inlay

For each application, we always rely on professional packaging development. At DE-PACK, we offer sustainable transport packaging in various designs and sizes. Of course, everything is done in a sustainable way, as you can see in this packaging example. Inside an insert made of FORMPAPIER® and the outer packaging is made of corrugated cardboard with carrying handles. Everything in the highest degree of transport safety!

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Customized ripplex Block Pad

We design our ripplex packaging solutions using 3D data sets or sample parts. This allows the packaging concept to be visualized for you in advance. After sample production, the ripplex block pads are precisely cut, so that your products fit perfectly into the appropriate compartments.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

ripplex Cushion from Corrugated Cardboard

Sustainable packaging doesn't have to be difficult! Our environmentally friendly ripplex cushions, can be customized to fit products using perforations and grooves. Even for heavy goods, e.g. machine parts, we can bring additional stability to the packaging with additional struts. The fixation and cushioning is as good as comparable packaging solutions made of styrofoam. Furthermore,the packaging process is quick and safe.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard Folding Box with Cardboard Inlay

This folding box with tuck-in and side flaps is intelligently designed and ideal for shipping and storing small to medium sized products, for example, electronic door locks. The box is optimal suited to be branded with your corporate identity design. The structure of the inlay and the closure ensure safe shipping!

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Transport Packaging for Servomotors

Do you need secure, sustainable and cost-effective transport packaging? Then we have the ideal solution for you with these two-part ripplex cushions made of corrugated cardboard. You can pack your products and related accessories quickly and in a sustainable way, avoiding unnecessary plastic packaging material.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Foldable ripplex Packaging Solution

Do you need secure and cost-effective packaging solution in high quantities? Then these foldable ripplex cushions are the optimal solution. Your products and the accessories can be packed quickly. It also allows you to pack in a sustainable way because other plastic packaging material can be avoided.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Three-Part ripplex Packaging Solution

The perfect combination packaging, even for small batch sizes. ripplex cushions combined with a practical and secure folding box made of corrugated board. You do not need other packing materials. The product lies optimally secured in the block cushion adapted specifically for this purpose. This will save you valuable time during packing.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Sustainable Pulp Side Cushions

The light and at the same time tough material with its velvet like surface guarantees shock- and scratch-free transport of complex consignments. With our side cushions made of FORMPAPIER®, we can easily adapt to different shapes of devices, components, assemblies, and even to complex profiles. The final packaging is completed with a matching corrugated cardboard box into which the environmentally friendly side pads are simply inserted or tucked.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Transport Tray Made of Fiber Material

Moulded pulp (FORMPAPIER®) is a very sustainable material made from recycled paper and renewable raw material. This way of packaging is very ecological and environmentally friendly. Your product can be adapted to your individual requirements and is securely fixed in the transport tray at the end.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

FORMPAPIER® Cushion Packaging

The advantage of FORMPAPIER® packaging is that it is cost-effective, environmentally friendly and suitable for a wide range of lightweight consumer packaging. For example, for food to non-food glassware, media products, furniture, cosmetics and hardware. A major advantage is that the moulded pulp can be adapted to the shapes of almost any product during production, so that the packaged goods are absolutely impact-resistant and slip-proof.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

FORMPAPIER® Side Cushions

Even simple and inexpensive packaging solutions made of moulded pulp can be effective and safe. In the picture above we show the shock-absorbing packaging of a hard disk. For this purpose we use two side pads which are made of sustainable pulp. The product is perfectly protected at all times in its outer cardboard box.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

FORMPAPIER® Transport Carrier

We often use our 3D moulded transport carriers for protective packaging of high-value equipment in the consumer electronics or furniture industry. They are versatile and can be individually adapted to the respective product shapes and are available quickly and cost-efficiently. Another positive effect is that no plastic is used. The packaging is therefore extremely environmentally friendly.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Moulded Pulp Packaging

With our sustainable FORMPAPIER® solutions, products are optimally fixed and due to the strong vibration dampening of the 3D moulded pulp, the lightweight packaging is crucial for high transport protection. FORMPAPIER® consists of 100% recycled paper and is a particularly flexible material. This means that precise moulding is possible, suitable for almost all packaging requirements.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

FORMPAPIER® Transport Tray

The great thing about FORMPAPIER® is that it is cost-efficient, environmentally friendly and suitable for many products of light industry. This means that the packaging of numerous consumer goods and batches from food to non-food are optimally covered. For example, glass products, media products, furniture, cosmetics, dry goods, hardware, equipment and many more. A major advantage is that the 3D moulded pulp can be adapted to almost any product shapes and surfaces during production, making the packaged goods absolutely shock- and slip-proof.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM


This modern and environmentally friendly packaging material impresses with very good cushioning properties, neutral electrostatic behavior and inexpensive production. The biodegradable material, most often trays used for equipment packaging, is very lightweight and can be customized to fit the shape of the packaged goods. As a waste product, the pulp or the already recycled raw material of a tray are 100% recyclable again.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

FORMPAPIER® Transport Packaging

Packaging made of recycled paper is much more cost-efficient and, above all, more sustainable than packaging made of styrofoam or plastic. FORMPAPIER® solutions are suitable for the technical industry on the one hand and for the food industry on the other, as the material structure of FORMPAPIER® can be subjected to very high mechanical strain.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM


FORMPAPIER® consists of 100% recycled paper and can be produced in almost any three-dimensional shape for a wide variety of products. Whether as cushion packaging, carriers for product sets, trays, etc., the material including the moulded pulp part has a shock-absorbing effect on the products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

ripplex Solution for Turbine Motors

Cushions made from ripplex are glued or laminated together over their entire surface or cut into cushions from various individual cardboard cuts. The stability that a cushion achieves through glued blocks is impressive. For example, you can safely and easily pack heavy engines for turbines, axles or other heavy items. In this packaging example, two ripplex cushions are enough to securely pack the turbine. The major advantage of this type of packaging is its flexibility. Many products of different shapes can be optimally protected using ripplex.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Calendar Inner Tray for Confectionery

In this packaging project for CEWE, the previously used plastic tray was replaced by an extremely environmentally friendly insert made of starch and paper. The result is a sustainable calendar packaging that consists of a printable cardboard slipcase on the outside and a pure paper tray filled with confectionery on the inside. The individual packaging materials are produced in a CO2-neutral process using paper injection molding.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Food safe cover for chocolate easter bunnies

This project shows how PET plastic sleeves can be replaced by environmentally friendly packaging trays. Several tons of plastic are saved in the process. The trays made of reinpapier® are produced by paper injection molding and are 100% food-safe, as are the colors used. After the chocolate has been distorted, the packaging halves can be disposed of in the waste paper garbage can without any problems.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Divider Packaging

Our practical dividers (in this case made of solid board) are optimal product separators, developed for special requirements and fast packaging. They are primarily used for the safe separation of sensitive and die-cut components. In addition, the surfaces of the components inside are protected from abrasion and impact.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

ripplex Cushion for Worm Gears

Cushions made of sustainable corrugated cardboard offer optimum protection against damage to sensitive and medium-weight products, such as a worm gear, as shown in this picture. The low-cost, glued block layers with precisely fitting profiles can also be supplied with matching outer packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

ripplex Packaging for Linear Rail Guide

No special manufacturing tools are required to produce ripplex, a cost-effective cushion packaging. This type of packaging does not require complicated folding, gluing or other adjustments. Saves time in packing and other materials become unnecessary. ripplex packaging offers a high load capacity, is customized and literally adapted directly to the product.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

ripplex Cushion Packaging for Pressure Regulator

For the production of our cost-efficient ripplex, no special production tools are required. With this type of packaging, there is no need for complicated folding, gluing or other adjustments. The solutions offer high load-bearing capacity, are customized and literally tailored directly to the product (pressure reducer for inert gas).

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Cushion Package for Electric Linear Motor

If you are looking for cost-effective and secure packaging solutions for medium-weight products, our sustainable and robust ripplex is an optimal alternative. Complex product shapes, such as this linear motor, can be fitted into appropriately shaped cavities.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Customized Packaging from Corrugated Cardboard

We individually pack devices and their associated parts in specially adapted corrugated cardboard packaging solutions. For this equipment set, we used four more inlays to store cables, plugs, instruction manual in addition to the sturdy telescope box. This allows the end customer to remove all components sorted accordingly.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Injection Molded Paper Tray

Every German consumer produces around 108 kilograms of packaging waste every year. At 33 kilograms of plastic waste per capita, plastics account for an astounding third of the total. These figures could be significantly reduced if companies had packaging alternatives that were much more recyclable or even biodegradable. reinpapier® packaging, is made entirely from natural raw materials and offers many of the properties that are important when packaging products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Plastic-Free packaging set

Do you need a plastic-free packaging, which should also really pop with your customers in terms of color? No problem with reinpapier®, the packaging is made entirely of natural raw materials and can be made into an eye-catcher with bright food colors.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Plastic-Free Product Packaging

Our packaging concept reinpapier® is significantly impressive because of one very important feature, the packaging is 100% plastic-free. If you have packed products with contour-strong blister or plastic trays up to now, you can easily replace them with reinpapier®. No matter how complex your product packaging needs; paper injection molding offers the right solution and, above all, is environmentally friendly thanks to optimum recyclability or compostability.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Calendar Packaging Tray

Our reinpapier® brand has already been tested (ISEGA) and declared harmless, and successfully used in food applications. The flat, environmentally friendly trays and the high-quality chocolate inside are used in this packaging project for a calendar packaging with cardboard slipcase. Apart from the protective film around the chocolate, this packaging concept can be promoted to your customers as distinctly sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Shipping Box with Compartmented Insert

Practical shipping with hinged lid boxes are available from us in individual tailor-made design. Boxes can be made made of solid cardboard or, as in this example, of single-wall corrugated cardboard which makes the box even more stable. Using a white exterior allows for the boxes to be printed with corresponding CI or with other special layouts. The range of application includes not only consumer goods but also medium sized technical equipment.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Promotional Packaging

We provide you with uncompromising luxury packaging in premium quality, the perfect choice for noble quality products. Customized to your individual design, professionally developed with printing and produced in series.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Wave-Shaped ripplex Cushion

These long resistant side cushions can be easily inserted into the appropriate outer packaging, even on pallets. The wave-shaped contour cuts provide excellent shock absorption and best lateral support. Furthermore, these packaging solutions are among our eco-products, as they can be recycled with paper.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Calendar Packaging

With this packaging solution for calendars made of solid cardboard, even larger products can be placed in the individual compartment cavities. Afterwards, the inlay is enclosed in a cardboard slipcase. No plastic or foil is used for this product.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Keyboard Cover Tray

This tray is used to protect PC keyboards in an innovative natural packaging. The tray made of reinpapier® is produced using a special injection molding process. The packaging is recyclable and easily compostable because it is made of all natural, biodegradable ingredients.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Premium Packaging for Liqueur

Two liqueur bottles elegantly packed, additional compartments are also included in the design. The pure white packaging is visually and haptically appealing and is easy to handle. The smart solid board solution is coated with chromosulflat on one side and therefore ideal for printing.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Multi-Part Customized Packaging

Elegant in appearance and easy in handling! The white, square box made of corrugated cardboard is ideal for packaging and quickly shipping high-quality products. The box is easily closed using closing flaps on the lid. Customized form-fitting foam inserts made of polyethylene (PE), provide optimal impact protection for your products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Collapsible Box

Practical collapsible boxes with hinged tops are available from DE-PACK in many sizes. We offer an ideal packaging solution for protection, storage, transportation and shipping of numerous product types. The boxes can also be fitted with appropriate compartments or foam inserts. Delivered flat, the boxes can be stored in a space-saving way until they are needed.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Stackable Tray Packaging

reinpapier® trays are stackable and have a super light weight design, which reduces CO2 emission and provides efficiency in transportation and storage cost. Our reinpapier® packagings, made from natural raw materials using a special paper injection molding process, are extremely variable in shape due to the precise molding process. Due to the soft material surface, reinpapier® packagings provide optimal protection against scratches and impacts without the need to use polybags.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Food Grade Calendar Packaging

The reinpapier® brand can also be safely used as packaging for food. The material has been tested (ISEGA) and declared safe. In this calendar packaging, the chocolate is injected directly into the individual compartments and then sealed with a cardboard slipcase. The beauty of it; there is no need for plastic or protective film use.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Premium Packaging with Magnetic Catch

Our premium packaging with magnetic closure is particularly classy and high quality. They ensure the appropriate impression on the customer. Due to the small magnets, which are invisibly glued inside the lid and the wall of the bottom part, the box can be opened and closed easily. Depending on the purpose and specifications of our customers, various finishing processes can be used. The cardboard of this magnetic box is provided with a paper lamination.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Molded Packaging

This environmentally friendly and elegantly shaped reinpapier® packaging is ideal for gently packaging cosmetic and perfumery products. The packaging is also available in different color designs. Of course, we use food dyes for this purpose. We develop reinpapier® packaging as a high quality 100% recyclable product in compliance with all quality and industry standards.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Tray

This 100% ecological and feather-light packaging tray was made using paper injection molding. With the help of aluminum tools, complex product shapes can be easily produced so that the products are secured in their compartments. The sustainable reinpapier® packaging is recyclable, so it can be simply disposed of in the waste paper garbage can.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Hinged Lid Box with Perforated Inlay

A hinged lid box is perfectly suitable for packing medium-sized or even heavy products. It can be a high quality outer packaging, which is also suitable for elegant product presentation with appropriate printing. The folding box is often used for many kinds of media products, cables, plugs, small devices, but also for technical components. The fixation is always done by custom made inlays which provide a secure hold during shipping. The package content usually determines the size and shape of the hinged lid box.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

High Quality Printed Sliding Cassette

This sliding box made of sustainable grass paper is a two-part package, consisting of a slipcase and an insert (open on both sides). The sliding cassette is primarily used for decorative packaging of a model railway, as can be seen from the high quality printed slipcase. The packaging solution looks very elegant and is a real eye-catcher.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Ecological Tray for Clamping Kit

The picture shows how simple and environmentally friendly packaging with reinpapier® can be. This clamping kit is packed without polybags in a compact tray - neatly sorted. Due to the soft, velvety surface of our reinpapier® material, there are no scratches on the metal surfaces of the kit. Due to the corresponding gripping effect of the tray walls, the parts are firmly secured in the corresponding hinged lid box and cannot fall out.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Hexagonal Push-On Cap

We produce individual and complex packaging parts by using paper injection molding. For example, this elongated hexagonal push-on cap for protecting components. The environmentally friendly caps can be easily disposed of in the paper recycling bin.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Ampoule Packaging for Round Components

Especially in the medical industry, our environmentally friendly ampoule packaging is often used. This cost-efficient packaging made of solid board is functional and easy to handle. Small to large round parts can be securely fixed in the semicircular slots thanks to the clamping effect.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Angled Packing Tray

With our unique packaging brand reinpapier®, the most complex molded parts can be produced using paper injection molding. The beauty of it all - 100% plastic-free. The plastic-free packaging is suitable as disposable packaging for companies that attach great importance to quality and ecological packaging materials. reinpapier® is even compostable and therefore has no negative impact on the environment. This is an especially distinguishing feature of reinpapier® packaging because the material base used to produce reinpapier® is 100% organic.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM


Packaging made of reinpapier® can be easily recycled with waste paper, because the universally versatile packaging consists only of eco-friendly raw materials. Products can be packaged in lightweight trays or semi-casings. Fastening functions to secure products are also available in this environmentally friendly material. We also use food dyes to provide colored versions to meet your corporate identity needs.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Environmentally Friendly Medication Tray

This environmentally friendly reinpapier® medication tray is user-friendly, safe, and includes an easy to follow daily medications schedule. The packaging is made by paper injection molding and is very suitable for efficient packing and sorting of medications. Pharmacies can use the trays to pre-sort and dispense the required dosages. The trays are easily recyclable due to their eco-material.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Premium Packaging for Promotional Gifts

The perfect gift for your customers. Our noble premium packaging solutions made of white solid board provides the appropriate wow factor. The telescope box is also very good for printing. With the insert adapted to the product, everything is properly and securely packaged.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Earphone Packing

With the reinpapier® brand, packaging of high quality earphones is no problem. The entire three-part disposable packaging was manufactured using the paper injection molding process and consists of 100% natural raw materials -- water, paper fibers and industrial starch. The headphones can even be stored without polybag due to the velvety finish of the packaging. With reinpapier® we guarantee completely plastic-free packaging protection for your products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Sustainable Disposable Packaging

The disposable packaging shown in the picture is made of 100% ecological material. The main components are water, paper fibers and industrial starch. We call this type of packaging reinpapier®. This is one of the most ecological ways to package products in an environmentally friendly and at the same time safe manner. The packaging is made by paper injection molding, providing a stable form that effectively protects against scratches without using poly bags.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Sustainable Tray Packaging

This tray packaging made of reinpapier® is an ultra-lightweight and extremely environmentally friendly injection molded paper packaging made from all-natural resources. The trays can be used in a variety of ways for transporting products in retail. This example is made for eight hand cream tubes. After use, the ecological packaging can be easily disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner and passed into the recycling loop.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Injection Molded Paper Tray

reinpapier® packagings are ultra-light, extremely environmentally friendly, multi-purpose solutions, ideally suited for any type of product packaging (trays, molded parts, load carriers). There are no chemical ingredients in the raw material mix used in making reinpapier® packagings. Simply put, they consist of starch, water, and paper fibers. This ensures that packaging decomposes completely within a very short time under aerobic conditions.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Sliding Box with Viewing Window

Cardboard slipcases are usually lightweight and sturdy boxes with a inlay containing the products. The slipcase of this example is provided with a viewing window to see the capacity. The pure white boxes can be printed perfectly, so that the appropriate corporate identity can affect the customer.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Injection Molded Paper Packaging Tray

Presenting the paper injection molding packaging tray. The trays are designed to be stackable, which saves space and provides sufficient clearance and efficiency during transportation. Our reinpapier® packaging trays are produced using a special paper injection molding process and can be delivered in a wide range of colors. They are dimensionally stable and protect sensitive product surfaces very well from scratches even without the use of environmentally harmful protective films.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Multimedia Product Tray

Our environmentally friendly multimedia products packaging made of reinpapier® provides the best possible protection for high-quality packaged products. The featherweight trays are manufactured using the paper injection molding process and are highly dimensionally stable. Complex shapes can be created without any problems so that the respective packaged product is ideally secured. The packaging is 100% recyclable because it is made of all natural materials.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Sustainable Product Packaging

No matter what your product packaging needs, we shape the right solution for every customer requirement using paper injection molding. The reinpapier® brand delivers many positive features. Most of all, its environmentally friendly properties, because the ultra-light packaging is completely plastic-free and easily recyclable or compostable.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Medicine Tray

We use a fully compostable tray made from our ecological reinpapier® in this packaging concept for the medical industry. The all natural packaging is fully recyclable. In this highly protective packaging concept for the transport of ampoules, we have placed an increased focus on quantity optimization. The inserted products are neatly arranged on the tray and can be easily removed.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Contaminant-Free Packaging with Lid

This contaminant-free reinpapier® packaging with lid is a solid and environmentally friendly packaging solution, and is primarily made of paper fibers and potato starch. Due to this special material composition, the paper injection molded packaging is harmless to the environment and easy to dispose of. In terms of structure, reinpapier® is in no way inferior to a solution made of plastic. Thanks to specific bracing inside the lid, the packaging achieves high stability values and is therefore suitable for many branches of industry.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

ripplex Side Cushion

The extremely robust and resistant ripplex cushions can be ideally used in packaging for lateral protection. Provided with appropriate compartments, your products can be optimally secured in the outer carton, including a very good shock-absorbing effect. Furthermore, the packaging can be recycled with paper.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Punch Insert for Fragile Products

Perfectly suitable for medium-sized and delicate products, custom designed packaging made of cost-effective corrugated board. We use an exterior carton and die-cut insert to provide professional protection of delicate products including fragile products labeling. In this project, we secure a rechargeable battery in a center-folding die-cut outline made of corrugated board. The rechargeable battery is then held impact-proof in the insert by the corresponding outer carton.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Slipcase

Our white solid board slipcases are sturdy boxes consisting of a printable sleeve and a special inlay in which the product is integrated. The inlay is simply pushed into the sleeve to open or close. Therefore, the packaging serves both as high quality protection and as an advertising medium for the corporate identity.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Shipping Tube

Particularly quick to use and easy to fill with practical plug-in closure. Our solid board shipping tubes are ideal for all long shipping items and also suitable for archiving. Flat and space saving delivery and storage is also guaranteed with this packaging solution.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

2-Wall Corrugated Plug-in Compartments

After the webs of 2-wall corrugated board are assembled, they form a solid compartment unit and prevent the movement of products during transport. Small products often require clear sorting and individual protection against slipping and damage.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Slip Lid Box

With our telescope boxes, high quality products can be optimally displayed and effectively showcased. The white slip lid box always looks good, especially with soft foam inserts in which the products are securely placed. The slip lid boxes can be individually printed in 4 colors with the corresponding corporate identity.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

High Quality Magnetic Box

Magnetic boxes with magnetic closure are a high quality packaging solution for premium products, due to their simple and elegant design. The magnets are invisibly located inside the lid and in the frame of the box. The white box made of solid board can be designed according to each individual corporate identity and looks very noble with appropriate printing or lamination.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Inlay with Notches

We produce inlays with hole cutouts from solid board for our customers on request, as shown in the picture. The lightweight and cost-efficient packaging material secures the transport and at the same time organizes the inserted products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard Box

We offer affordable packaging materials, such as cardboard boxes and simple folding boxes, for a wide range of tasks. For example, single wall cardboard boxes in variable sizes for shipping or safe storage. If you need multiwall cardboard boxes, we also have you covered.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Notch-Fold Die Cut Packaging

When it comes to packing long or bulky products, such as die cut parts and machine parts, our notch-fold solutions can be used in various ways. Using a strapping band or tape, the individual shipping units can be sealed quickly and efficiently after loading. In other words - notch-fold packages are the best solution for long and bulky products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Box with Carrying Handle from Grass Paper

Not only the sustainable grass paper makes this packaging solution unique, but also the special carrying handle. Our carrying handle box can be fully printed according to customers' requirements and is suitable for gifts, food or giveaways. The box is flashy, lightweight and can be optimally recycled thanks to the grass paper.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Plain Solid Board Box

Economically realized and well packed - small to medium size products are perfectly stored in this solid board folding carton. Built up in no time, the solid board boxes offer high shipping security and many other packaging features. Our cardboard boxes are guaranteed recyclable.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Cardboard Slipcase with Insert

Similar to the principle of a matchbox, this solid cardboard slipcase (front closed on one side) can be easily closed by sliding the insert into the slipcase. The products are securely wrapped and presented in an extremely attractive manner by the noble printed slipcase. Therefore, the packaging can also be used as a premium solution for very high quality products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Plastic-Free Cosmetic Tray

Cosmetic packaging is not just about putting the brand and the product in the foreground. In this packaging-rich industry, ecological action is also playing an increasingly important role. The responsible use of raw materials, resources and packaging waste are important core issues that draw the consumers attention. We offer the optimal packaging solution for this: 100% ecological in use, CO2-neutral, contains no micro-plastic particles and is easily recyclable. We package your products with reinpapier®!

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Environmentally Friendly Multimedia Tray

Our reinpapier® brand packaging is made from all-natural ingredients which makes this packaging 100% recyclable and compostable. reinpapier® is made of water, starch and paper. The packaging is one hundred percent organic. That means that reinpapier® has neither short- nor long-term negative impact on environmental pollution.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Large Cardboard Box

Large corrugated cardboard boxes are ideal for shipping bulky products. These simple and flexible packaging solutions have a shock-absorbing effect, save space, are easy to ship and very cost-effective. In addition, our cardboard boxes are of course environmentally friendly, as cardboard is easy to recycle.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Disposable Injection Molded Paper Packaging

Our environmentally friendly packaging brand reinpapier® features many advantages: it is completely plastic-free, 100% recyclable, and can be disposed of together with waste paper. Finally an effective way to minimize environmental pollution caused by packaging waste. reinpapier® molded trays are ideally suited for the medical industry and for many multimedia industry products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Medical Packaging from Solid Board

Our solution for medical products is strictly controlled in terms of hygiene as well as quality and fully meets the high standards of the medical industry. Pharmaceuticals, hygiene products, health care products and more can be packed safely and appropriately in our developments made of solid board.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Three Part Box for Electronic Components

With this hinged lid box, safe shipping of components is guaranteed. The solution is made of three parts. The component is firmly fixed in place via suitable punched holes in the central area. The matching outer box with hinged lid and side flaps protects the products from external damage and dirt.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Sustainable Contoured Trays

Not only do we offer our all-natural packaging for many different industries but they are already being successfully used in: medical technology, spare parts industry, measurement and control technology, consumer electronics and many more. The reinpapier® brand is an extremely sustainable way to produce high-quality packaging trays from an innovative blend of raw materials. Despite the material's high starch content, detailed mold contours to securely holding products are easily created with our injection molding technology.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Folded Box from Solid Board

Folded boxes in pure white are practical when the packaging needs to be thin, light and simple in design. The boxes can be opened and closed effortlessly via a plug-in flap. This solution is available in many common shapes, but also in customized sizes. The folding boxes are ideal for sending and storing small or spare parts, samples, brochures, electrical media and much more.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Folding Box with Paper Sleeve

For visual purposes, folding boxes can also be provided with an additional printable sleeve, which is simply pulled over the closed box. Branding provides the appropriate look and is often used as a marketing tool. The box in the example is a telescope box with dust flaps and handle preparation. Additional side cushions are used to secure the product.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Media Tray

reinpapier® is an environmentally friendly form of packaging made from an innovative raw material mix of organic ingredients. Highest standards and sustainable packaging are becoming increasingly important in many industries. Packaging products "plastic-free" ensures high acceptance among customers. We offer our natural packaging for a wide range of industries: medical technology, spare parts industry, measurement and control technology, consumer electronics and many more.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Plastic-Free Mini Tray

Keeping up with the times with ecological injection molded paper packaging - environmentally friendly and completely plastic-free. With our unique packaging solutions made from reinpapier®, you will gain popularity with your customers. The organic packaging is made exclusively from natural products, 100% recyclable at the end of use, and free from pollutants. Therefore, reinpapier® is one of the most environmentally friendly packaging materials in the industry.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Protective Packaging from Corrugated Cardboard

Packaging using corrugated cardboard can be simple and fast! With a simple protective cover made of corrugated cardboard, products can be securely wrapped and held in place. These packaging solutions are frequently used in electrical and sanitary sectors or for numerous products in the furniture industry.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Plug-In Bottom Box

Our plug-in bottom boxes are optimal for fast shipping of various products. The box is sealed by using the practical bottom and lid flaps. Products can be quickly fixed in place using appropriate filling material.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Cosmetics Packaging

Packaging for cosmetic products is usually characterized by creative design, and on top of that, high quality imprints on the surfaces provide the appropriate eye-catcher. Solid board is always perfect for the need to wrap high quality products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Square Shipping Box

A square shipping box made of corrugated cardboard is suitable for quick packing, safe shipping and easy opening thanks to the finger holes. Long and rolled products such as posters, drawings, construction plans, documents, and more can be shipped without damage. Furthermore, the cost-effective box can also be used as an archiving box for shelves.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Organic Packaging Tray

Organic trays made of reinpapier® are solid and environmentally friendly packaging made of paper and potato starch. The packaging is harmless to the environment, practical and perfectly suitable for securing electronic media products. They can also be used to package products in other businesses.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Hanging Box with Euro Hole

Folded or hanging boxes with euro perforation are intended as eye-catchers and are an integral part of modern product presentations in stores or supermarkets. These solutions are very appealing due to the appropriate imprints and guarantee high safety and functionality when for the products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Punched Box from Corrugated Cardboard

Due to its simple design and flexible application possibilities, a punched box made of corrugated board is ideal for cost-effective shipping and transport. The solution provides maximum product protection despite minimal material usage. Furthermore, the boxes are particularly handy. They can be stacked well and convince with easy handling.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Luxury Packaging

We offer uncompromising packaging solutions, elegant and beautiful in appearance, precise and functional in production. Always with the aim of bringing the product safely to the consumer by means of flexible inlays. We design high quality packaging solutions for our customers with appropriate print finishings for a wide range of industry segments.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Hinged Top Box for Disposable Masks

Hinged top boxes consist of a cut and are finally assembled by appropriate folding. The most common hinged top boxes have a tuck-in flap at the front for closing and additional flaps on the side of the lid. Thanks to the white solid board, the boxes can be printed with the most creative designs. Our picture shows an example of high quality shipping cartons for disposable surgical masks.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Self-Locking Hinged Lid Box

Simple and elegantly printed, you will achieve optimal product presentation. We offer our customers self-locking hinged boxes with a fitted inlay to hold the product in place. The resealable box, in this version with tuck-in flap on the lid, can keep products permanently and securely fixed.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

6-Way Nesting Tray

See just how detailed packaging made from injection-molded paper can be with this environmentally friendly tray packaging made from reinpapier®. The true-to-contour nests can hold six products in a practical and safe manner. reinpapier® carries is labeled "food-safe", which is why the featherweight packaging solutions are often used in the medical industry.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

One-Part Retention Packaging

One-part retention packaging solutions one-fix are reusable and highly adaptable, so it can be used multiple times for different applications. The products can therefore be loosened and securely fixed again several times thanks to the elastic film.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Injection Molded Paper Box

Thanks to our new reinpapier® injection molded paper packaging, ecological and sustainable packaging is no longer a problem. Environmental pollution is virtually reduced to zero thanks to the all-natural ingredients. reinpapier® is also 100% recyclable after use because the packaging is totally compostable (i.e. biodegradable).

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Sealable Corrugated Cardboard Box

The widely used packaging material corrugated cardboard is suitable for a large variety of individual box designs. In this case, the box is covered by a white coating, which makes it easy to be printed individually. The packaging box can be easily opened and securely closed thanks to flap technology. The corrugated cardboard box is available in a wide range of sizes and can be used in many different industries.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

White Box with Handle

This elegant box is made of corrugated cardboard and covered with white lamination. Custom made and easily printable. This package is provided with a hinged lid and a handle. The side flaps of the lid are inserted into the bottom part when closing the box, this is at the same time an optimal sealing.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Keyboard Caps Packaged Plastic-Free

Individual keyboard caps in an all-natural packaging. A visually appealing packaging solutions made of injection-molded paper, reinpapier®, with your company logo. The individual trays are easily recyclable and compostable because they are made of organic materials.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Sustainable Peripherals Packaging

What can an environmentally friendly packaging for keyboard accessories look like? The picture shows an ecological reinpapier® packaging for high quality keyboard caps. The big advantage is that this 100% sustainable packaging material is entirely made of natural resources - water, starch and FSC-certified paper fibers. The keyboard caps fit perfectly in the recessed compartments of double-stacked trays and can be easily removed by the user.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

All-Natural Packaging for Keyboard Caps

We package these high-quality keyboard caps in a fully compostable white tray made of reinpapier®. The secret of this sustainable packaging material is that its basic components consist entirely of natural ingredients - water, starch and paper fibers. reinpapier® is therefore made exclusively from renewable raw materials, without any plastic ingredients. The keyboard caps fit perfectly in the recessed compartments of double-stacked trays and can be easily removed by the user.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Hinged Top Box for Medical Devices

Many variations of our hinged top boxes guarantee high quality and multifunctional product packaging for the medical sector. Ideal for small batches, product packaging or even presentation packaging, white matt finish on the outside, paper white on the inside.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Customized Packaging

Special cardboard packaging individually tailored to the customer's requirements - that's something we at DE-PACK are very familiar with. With corrugated cardboard, we can offer specific solutions that guarantee perfect-fit packaging and ensure customer-friendly and safe transport.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Folded Shipping Box

One piece folding boxes for fast shipping orders in extremely sturdy design. The boxes are easy to open and close thanks to the plug-in closure. They are strong and pressure resistant due to double sidewalls and are perfect for recycling.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Divider with Removal Aid

Separators reliably protect the products from impact and uncontrolled mixing during transport. This dividers are available from us in different materials. In the picture you can see a divider made of corrugated cardboard, which is an ideal solution in combination with plastic containers or small load carriers. It can be used in a wide variety of industries.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Telescope Box

Cost-efficient telescope boxes made of solid board are ideal for fast shipping and secure transport of all kinds of products. An example is a combination of a foam insert inside the box, perfectly adapted to the product. On request, the box itself can be printed, for example, with your company logo or with an appropriate design to increase promotional awareness.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Product Packaging

With our white, printable folding boxes, we offer particularly sturdy and elegant packaging solutions that clearly stand out from the competition both visually and haptically. The resealable box, in this version with two flaps on the lid, is delivered flat or upright with a hollow wall, depending on the design and your requirements. We design the inlay individually, which ultimately has a positive effect on the product presentation.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

one-fix Product Fixation

Product fixation by a sheet of foil is the principle of our proven one-fix retention packaging. This is the ideal way to pack small to medium-sized products. Also thanks to the sophisticated folding technology of the one-part retention packaging, quick and easy handling is guaranteed. A wide tuck-in flap on the lid ensures that the package is securely closed.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Hinged Lid Box

Customized products made by DE-PACK individually and cost-effectively produced. This sturdy and reusable hinged lid box is made of double wall corrugated cardboard, which can also be optimally printed. This practical solution provides high transport safety for various media products. The side flaps of the lid are inserted into the front part when the box is closed.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Product Carrier

reinpapier® packaging is manufactured using a specially developed injection molding process. An environmentally friendly paper foam mix is injected into an aluminum mold and baked under appropriate temperature to form the final packaging product. This process creates very stable and practical carriers for various products including molded parts. reinpapier® is primarily used as disposable packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Carrying Box with Divider

In the picture you can see an environmentally friendly packaging example of a practical carrying box made of corrugated cardboard with an integrated divider and sturdy outer walls. This allows to safely pack twelve heavy components at once, always adapted to specific customer requirements. Cost-effective packaging solutions by DE-PACK, feel free to contact us!

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Premium Display Box

High quality display boxes in matt black are perfect for presenting premium products. The sturdy box is designed with an angled hinged lid that is easy to open. We offer you many materials and types of finishes also in terms of the design. For example, with individual cavity or transparent viewing window on the top of the lid.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Flat Solid Board Box

Flat solid cardboard boxes in white are practical when packaging needs to be thin, light and simple in handling. The boxes can be opened and closed effortlessly via a tuck-in flap and are available in many sizes. Ideally suited for sending and storing small or spare parts, samples, brochures, electrical media and much more.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM


Our corrugated cardboard dividers are cost-effective and provide customized protection for versatile products - from the smallest vials for the medical industry to large spare parts for many other industries. The divider is optionally ready assembled or can be delivered flat. This type of packaging can be ideally used together with appropriate containers or boxes.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Ampoule Slipcase

This type of packaging is very suitable for applications in the medical industry as it allows round products to be packed in multiple rows. This special design has a shock-absorbing effect and at the same time protects the products against the risk of breakage. Small bottles and pipettes can be easily fixed in the wave-shaped pockets via the clamping effect of this packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Box with Ampoule Divider

This solid board packaging solution is a square hinged top box with an integrated divider. This special grid structure is used to securely hold round medical vials. This simple, low-cost box, allows countless products to be sorted without them falling into disarray.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard Divider Box

Here you can see a perfect example of a practical corrugated cardboard divider for housing components. In this customized box, eight components are packed at once using the divider inlay. Always manufactured according to the specific requirements of our customers. Optimal product protection by DE-PACK, feel free to contact us!

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Two Part Box for Electronic Components

Two part corrugated cardboard packaging can be used to safely handle the shipment of components. A folded die-cut profile securely holds the product. The outer box, also made of corrugated cardboard, protects the products from external damage. High packaging protection with easy handling is an unbeatable packaging solution.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Folding Box with Tuck In Flap

Customized folding boxes made of corrugated cardboard are all-rounders due to the easy handling they provide. Small or large products, lightweight or heavy, a folding box is the ideal solution. This packaging can be easily printed, is delivered flat and can simply be closed using a tuck-in flap.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Router Packaging (E-Flute)

Our packaging solutions made of corrugated cardboard are ideal for the safe shipment of media products, for example a router. With a suitable inlay, also made of cardboard, high impact protection and cushioning is achieved. The box can easily be closed using the practical tuck-in flap. White, elegant in appearance and practical in use, please feel free to contact us any time!

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Long Packaging from Corrugated Cardboard

Even for longer products, which are usually difficult to package, our technical packaging solutions can be used in a variety of ways and are very cost-effective. A simple corrugated cardboard box together with, for example, foam inlays can be used to pack long products quickly and securely.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Organic Medicine Tray

Our organic trays are stable and ecologically friendly paper packaging, made from environmentally friendly ingredients. They are used for transportation of special items and are characterized by their exceptional stability. The trays are especially practical for transporting medical products and can be delivered in a stackable manner.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Cardboard Box with Divider Inlay

Cardboard dividers can easily be made from corrugated cardboard. This type of divider packaging provides contactless separation of the products. Divider inlays can be used in a wide range of industries. Already assembled or delivered flat, our dividers can be customized to fit every area of application.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

one-fix Shipping Box

With this convenient retention shipping box made of single ply corrugated cardboard, packaging of small and medium size products can be done easily and quickly. The packaging can be printed by offset or screen printing on request. Furthermore, this solution is one of our eco-products, which means it is environmentally friendly and easy to recycle.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Divider Inlay

Solid board divider inlays are cross-connectors that link individual compartments together. The main purpose of a divider is to separate parts from each other and at the same time protect them from abrasion and scratching. It also effectively prevents individual components from slipping. Particularly in the automotive industry, it is impossible to imagine life without this type of divider packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Box with Integrated Side Cushions

Constructive packaging solutions made of corrugated cardboard are our field of expertise. We fill the packaging space of this box with cleverly designed elements, for example with side cushions to create high protection for the products. This reduces damages from impact or strong vibrations during transport.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Promotional Packaging

For the RITTER CARES product lines SECOND LIFE RECYCLED and ECO-LINIE, we pack five high-quality writing instruments in a fully compostable, square tray made of reinpapier®, whose basic components consist entirely of all-natural ingredients. We can provide an elegant-looking box including slipcase made of solid board with your CI printing/labeling. We guarantee safe and plastic-free packaging protection which will definitely be an eye-catcher for your customers.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Box

With this square shipping box made of solid board, the quick packaging of products can be done very easily and practically. The box is provided with a 45° tear perforation, including finger holes. The white surfaces can be printed using offset or screen printing, or can be customized with various finishing options upon request.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Customized Block Pad

ripplex block pads are simple but very robust. They are made of repeatedly recycled paper. The packaging consists of corrugated cardboard layers glued on top of each other. This provides excellent cushioning, which at the same time significantly increases product protection. The block pads can be used in various ways, as contours, perforations and incisions can usually be integrated without any problems. ripplex is a sustainable eco-product, which means it can be recycled with paper.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

ripplex Block Pad

At DE-PACK we develop very efficient and high quality inner packaging from repeatedly recycled paper. Perforations and incisions (possible in all directions) can be easily included in the block pads to hold the product. We use different ripplex cardboard grades and thicknesses, so in the end the cushioning effect can be precisely determined.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

ripplex Inner Packaging

Sustainable packaging doesn't have to be difficult. Our machine cut ripplex packaging solutions can be adjusted individually to the product by perforations and incisions. The fixation of the product is just as good as a comparable packaging made of styrofoam. With ripplex pads, the individual layers of cardboard provide optimum cushioning and effective protection during transport. Heavy components or assemblies can be packed quickly and securely.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Double Row Ampoule Packaging

With our functional ampoule packaging solution made of solid board, all small to large round products (pipettes) can be transported safely. Via an appropriate clamping effect, the products are fixed in the wave-shaped pockets in several rows and neatly arranged. The design also has a shock-absorbing effect and at the same time protects the products from breaking.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Triple Wall Corrugated Cardboard Inlay

A triple wall corrugated cardboard box consists of an inner and an outer cover, between which three flutes are separated by thin paper sheets. The extremely sturdy and resistant inlays can be optimally used as cushion packaging with cutouts, as they optimally hold the products in place and have a very good shock-absorbing effect.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Constructive Container Packaging

We offer you cost-effective packaging solutions made of corrugated cardboard, in this example you can see a simple container packaging suitable for both low and high volumes. The container is placed inside an outer carton by means of two cutouts (top and bottom) and can therefore be safely transported.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Plastic-Free Packaging for Writing Utensil

If a customer is looking for environmentally friendly packaging solutions for their products, they will find the ideal application partner in our sustainable and dimensionally stable reinpapier® packaging. In this example, we pack five high-quality writing instruments in a white tray made of reinpapier®, whose basic components consist entirely of all-natural ingredients: water, paper fibers and industrial starch. With an additional hinged-lid box including a slipcase made of solid board, we guarantee safe and plastic-free packaging protection that will definitely be an eye-catcher.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Packaging for Dental Technology

In this elegant packaging concept for a dental technology company, we have placed an increased focus on medical requirements. We use a simple standard folding box made of white solid cardboard, including corporate identity message. The highlight of the packaging is the fully compostable inner tray made of ecological reinpapier® material, also in white and fully recyclable and compostable. We designed the elongated packaging tray with a trapezoidal cross-section so that the inserted products are clearly visible on the tray and can be easily removed.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Presentation Box

Hinged presentation boxes are perfect for the presentation of premium cosmetic products, musical instruments and many other luxury items. The printable boxes provide a beautifully finished product presentation as soon as the lid is opened. But they also have to fulfill the function of protective packaging. Fragile contents in particular, e.g. products made of glass or technical equipment, must be adequately secured to prevent them from being damaged during transport or shipping.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Telescope Box from Cardboard

Telescope boxes are very popular packaging variants that are ideal for high quality products due to their durable design. This premium product is packed in a high quality cardboard telescope box. With corrugated baking paper on the carton surface, we create a premium packaging solution of high value and suitable for the product. The look of the plain uncoated paper, blends beautifully with the design of the product itself.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Shipping Box

With this two-part shipping box made of solid cardboard, the packaging process of various goods can be done very easily and quickly. The large white areas can be offset or screen printed, or can be finished with other various options upon request.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Pralines Packaging

reinpapier® injection molded packaging is also suitable for use in the food industry, for example this praline packaging. reinpapier® has been tested and is completely safe for use with food. The packaging is produced 100% organically and does not contain any toxic or harmful substances. This sustainable packaging can also be dyed. Almost all colors are possible for packaging trays to meet customer requirements.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Diecut Packaging with Digital Printing

Technical premium products need attractive packaging. For example, we develop sturdy diecut packaging or hinged-lid boxes made of corrugated cardboard for precision tools. DIn the end, the design and digital printing on the outside provides the valuable impression of the products inside. In this case, an additional carrying handle was designed at the customer's request.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Top and Bottom reinpapier® Cushions for Multiple Products

Our top and bottom cushions made of reinpapier® (incl. suitable outer carton), secure delicate products between the two cushions. Ideal for a wide range of consumer packaging products. The two cushions are made of 100% sustainable packaging material, mostly paper fibers and industrial starch. Due to its ecological composition, the material compostable.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Printed Diecut Packaging (FEFCO)

We offer sturdy diecut packaging or hinged lid boxes made of corrugated cardboard according to FEFCO standard. This type of packaging is punched from a single workpiece, a sheet of corrugated cardboard, using a diecutting tool. Our diecut boxes are the perfect solutions for shipping. They can be printed on both sides and are particularly suitable for premium products or promotional gifts among many other things.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Inlay

With our reinpapier® brand of packaging, we can develop a custom-fit inlay for any product. This is the only way to ensure that the product is always optimally secured and protected. Almost all color variations are possible via a simple color addition during the manufacturing process. It goes without saying that we work with pure food colors, because reinpapier® is a 100% ecological packaging material.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Stackable reinpapier® Trays

Precise paper injection molding allows for complex geometric and detailed design of the inner contours of any packaging. The aluminum tools used in production are malleable enough to conform to any product shape, including additional cavities for product accessories such as cables, batteries, etc. Our ecological reinpapier® stackable trays are suitable for the safe packaging of many multimedia products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Large Corrugated Cardboard Divider

Dividers made of corrugated cardboard can be customized for almost any application. Even in large sizes as shown in this example. Corrugated cardboard is a packaging all-rounder, due to the light material and the very good protective properties it offers.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Plant Packaging from Corrugated Cardboard

Plant seedlings are perfectly packed in this practical transport packaging made of corrugated cardboard. Inside the packaging we have integrated a cardboard carrier with a total of six cutouts for the plants. This prevents the branches from snapping off during transport. The matching lid completely rounds off the protection.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Soap Box from Grass Paper

Sustainable grass packaging with air inlets in the hinged lid - The optimal packaging solution for premium natural soaps. Fifty percent of the packaging is made of an ecological fiber material which consists of grass pellets. Besides soaps, the boxes made of grass paper are also perfect for other natural products from the cosmetics sector.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Hinged Lid Box with Handle

This hinged lid box is made of corrugated cardboard and can be customized according to your requirements. The printable corrugated cardboard box is equipped with a convenient hinged lid and a handle. The side flaps of the lid are tucked into the bottom part to close the box. This feature provides this packaging solution with high stability and optimal product protection.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Biodegradable reinpapier® Product Tray

DE-PACK offers disposable biodegradable reinpapier® product trays. The 100% recyclable trays are extremely environmentally friendly and can be designed with dimensionally accurate nests for secure product containment. The nests are designed for automatic loading and/or efficient removal, including graphic numbering identification to ensure safe product removal sequence.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Spiral Wound Paper Tube

We offer good value spiral wound packaging, available in different lengths. The large surfaces of the packaging can be provided with individual and elegant offset prints. The paper tubes are smoothly cut to the desired length on both sides and can be securely closed with an appropriate lid.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Grass Paper Folding Box with Tuck-In Flaps

Folding boxes made of environmentally friendly grass paper are reclosable thanks to their tuck-in flaps, very easy to handle and they are ideal for packing light to medium-weight products. Generally, folding boxes are glued on one side. The grass paper consists of 50 percent fresh fiber material, which means that the boxes are an extremely sustainable packaging solution.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Grass Paper Sliding Box

Are you looking for simple, cost-efficient and sustainable packaging? 
This sliding box made of grass paper is a recyclable packaging solution, consisting of a slipcase and an inlay. The sliding box is primarily used for secure packaging of a wide variety of products. The slipcase can be printed in high quality. This makes the packaging look very elegant and high quality, and in this case it is used by the medical industry.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Telescope Box

A white telescope box made of fine cardboard can be printed in premium quality. This results in simple, as well as visually appealing boxes for versatile and high quality products from the cosmetics industry or consumer electronics. For example, perfume bottles or smartphones.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Smartphone reinpapier® Packaging

reinpapier® is an ideal al- natural packaging made of 100% ecological raw materials, fully recyclable and biodegradable. reinpapier® is an innovative mix of starch, paper fibers and water. The raw material used to make reinpapier® has no chemical ingredients whatsoever and is also produced in a CO2-neutral manner. The two elegantly printed packaging trays convey an overall impression of ecological value through their warm, natural color and the leaf structures incorporated into the visible surfaces.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Stackable Corrugated Cardboard Box

Our stackable boxes made of corrugated cardboard can be easily folded and locked in place in a few seconds. The boxes are also designed to significantly increase stability using double wall folding technology. Stacking tabs on the top provide effective storage. The products are safely stowed in the large boxes and can be optimally transported.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Hinged Box from Grass Paper

We offer ecological hinged boxes with side flaps and practical adhesive closure made of sturdy grass paper. Grass paper can of course also be provided with a premium printing. So you have the possibility to pack even high quality product sets. The box can be easily closed and opened again by using the side flaps.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

duo-fix Retention Package

Packing a product quickly and securely is what defines the two-part duo-fix retention packaging. The products are held in place between a cardboard carrier and a tensioning film after the tensioning flaps have been folded down. The tear-resistant film is also slip-resistant and extremely elastic. The white outer box secures the cardboard carrier and also offers optimum design and printing options for an appropriate corporate identity.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Ozzy Osbourne Theme Packaging

We also offer custom themed packaging. Our iF-DESIGN AWARD winning harmonica premium packaging solution "Ozzy Ozbourne" is a perfect example. This portrait-sized solid board hanging box, is the actual centerpiece of the themed retail packaging. The musical instrument is optimally presented and securely held in the elegant design and visible through the viewing window.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Block Pad for Motor Mounting

Sustainable block pads made of corrugated cardboard optimally protect sensitive and fragile products from damage throughout the entire supply chain. Glued in multiple layers with precise contours, the cost-effective block pads can be placed flat in the appropriate outer packaging, depending on requirements.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

ripplex Corner Protection

Quick to apply corner protection with minimal material usage. Our corner protectors made of multilayer corrugated cardboard are lightweight and extremely strong. Specially designed for reliable cushioning of sensitive corners, ideal for furniture packaging or packing large machine parts. The corner protectors are available in several sizes and different strenghts.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Plastic-Free Organic reinpapier® Packaging

reinpapier® is an environmentally friendly, future-oriented packaging material made of paper fibers and starch with excellent protective properties for packaged products of all kinds. The packaging can be uniquely and cost-effectively designed using aluminum tools. The ecological material and its 100% recyclability and compostability make reinpapier® and efficient packaging solution, with almost unlimited possibilities for use with industrial or packaged products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Retention Packaging paper-fix

A highly elastic masking tape provides extreme hold for this two-part paper-fix packaging. paper-fix also shines with its good ecological properties, as no plastic film is used for product fixation. paper-fix is recyclable, making it one of the most sustainable retention packaging that will definitely convince you!

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

paper-fix Retention Packaging

paper-fix is a sustainable packaging solution that will definitely convince you! An elastic masking tape provides excellent protecion for your product. paper-fix is a brilliant solution that is environmentally friendly and recyclable, as this variant does not use a plastic film to hold the product in place.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Two Part Cushion Packaging

Slotted ripplex pads, applied twice, protect sensitive products reliably, slip-proof and individually adjustable from both sides. The ripplex cushions consists of multiple glued layers of cardboard. Depending on the weight of the products, the used material determines the cushioning properties.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

ripplex - Slotted Profile Plate

Cushion profile plates can be provided with one or more deep slots. This allows the ripplex panels to be bent by 90° or doubled in thickness by folding them over completely. Delivered flat, the final packaging is only assembled at the packing table.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Top and Bottom Cushion Packaging

Strong ripplex top and bottom cushions made of multiple layers of cardboard form the base in which the products are finally inserted. Combined inside the appropriate outer carton, it becomes an ideal combination packaging, which provides optimal protection for sensitive, as well as heavy and complex products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

ripplex Side Cushion

With individually cut ripplex side cushions, the product can be positioned easily and quickly at the packing table. The fixation by the accurate side cushions always leads to an effective protection during transport. Vehicle parts, assemblies or electronic devices are packed quickly and securely.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Packaging Trays

reinpapier® packaging is unsurpassed in terms of sustainability, due to its composition of completely ecological raw materials. reinpapier® trays offer excellent protective properties, can be colorfully designed with food dyes (water-based), are feather-light and can be produced with low CO2 emissions, compared to other types of packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

ripplex Transportation Inlay

The illustration shows a practical ripplex transportation inlay made of a multiple layers of corrugated cardboard, including various compartments for holding and fixing metal housings. The main areas of application are the spare parts industry, the electronics industry and the automotive sector. The inlay can be easily filled at the packing table and then shipped in the appropriate transport containers.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Cardboard Box

No matter what you want to transport or ship, the products should always be safe and optimally protected. With customized cardboard boxes, you no longer have to worry about products arriving safely at their destination. At DE-PACK you will find the perfect cost-effective packaging for small to medium sized products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Packaging from Grass Paper

Simply designed packaging solutions made of grass paper are practical product carriers when the packaging needs to be sustainable, flat, light and simple. The boxes can be opened effortlessly via the lid and are available in many small sizes. Ideal for shipping and storing small parts, medical devices, spare parts and more.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM
Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Grass Packaging

This sliding box made of solid board can excel with a special feature. It consists of 50% grass or grass fiber. Sliding boxes are smart two-part packaging solutions, consisting of printable slipcases and inlays. The slipcase is primarily used for design purposes and corporate identity. This type of packaging has a very high quality appearance and is often used as a premium packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard from Grass

You can also get single wall shipping boxes made of grass paper in practical shapes and sizes at DE-PACK. The folding box in the picture is very environmentally friendly due to the grass paper and can be opened and closed easily by using the integradet side flaps of hinged lid. The product is visible through the viewing window in the lid. Packaging made of corrugated grass paper also is easy to recycle, offers high stability and strength due to the double sidewalls.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Box from Grass Paper

DE-PACK offers individual designs made of solid board and cardboard. The unique feature of it - about 50% of the packaging material is made of grass fiber. The ecological benefit is higher than with standard cardboard packaging, since fewer raw materials (wood, water) are required. With precisely tailored foam inlays for the ultimate product protection, we can specifically meet the packaging needs of numerous industries.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board from Grass Paper

Sustainable, elegant in appearance and with appropriate foam inlays. Solid board from grass paper is practical in use! Our ecological boxes are ideal for fast shipping and transportation of high quality products. Using a fitted foam inlay, high cushioning and impact protection is guaranteed. The box is closed by a foam cut and a simple lid.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Grass Paper Packaging

Sustainable solid board folding boxes made of grass paper are very convenient when you need the packaging to be flat, lightweight and stable. The practical boxes are designed with a hinged lid including a tuck-in flap and are also available in a variety of DIN formats. Grass paper boxes are perfect for shipping and storing spare or small parts and can also be used with foam inlays. Perfect product protection!

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Packaging Solution from Corrugated Grass Paper

Simple cardboard packaging made of corrugated cardboard is also available in ecological grass paper. This means the sustainable cardboard packaging can contain up to 50% grass. The packaging is therefore by no means less stable, as one might think. Grass as a raw material provides very good strength properties. The packaging can also be easily printed.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Grass Packaging from Corrugated Cardboard

Paper for corrugated cardboard boxes is now produced not only from wood, but also using more cost-effective grass. Grass makes the packaging even more environmentally friendly, as wood fibers are reduced in the production process resulting in water and CO2 savings. The packaging excels with great strength properties and is suitable for packing technical products as well as food.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Grass Paper

Grass paper is a combination of corrugated cardboard with a high proportion of grass fibers. This new type of fiber material provides high strength and helps to make corrugated cardboard packaging solutions even more environmentally friendly. In fact, the production of these special "green" corrugated cardboard boxes consumes less water and CO2.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Cardboard Box with Divider Inlay

Packaging diversity is what sets us apart. Folding boxes with telescope lid have a major advantage in terms of handling costs, especially for higher volumes. The packages can be quickly filled and closed with the integrated dividers. The number of longitudinal and cross webs can be adjusted as required. All in all, a safe and excellent transport combination made of corrugated cardboard.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Biodegradable Organic Packaging

Effective and eco-friendly packaging solutions have been in demand for a long time. Organic packaging and packaging materials have a real added value that goes beyond image or a marketing strategy. Our reinpapier® brand significantly fulfills all the requirements of genuine bio-packaging. The material, or better said, the raw materials in reinpapier® decompose under aerobic conditions within a very short time.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Media Packaging

Media packaging with integrated foam inlays are designed for shipping hard drives, computer accessories and all kinds of equipment. With a packaging made of corrugated cardboard, the sensitive products can be transported safely and elegantly. The outer packaging is usually adapted to the size of the product to be packed, optimized and with the help of self-adhesive seals, tuck-in flaps or tear-open threads, the packaging box is easy to handle.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Compostable Disposable Packaging

reinpapier® packaging solutions are categorized as 100% compostable. "Compostable" because the raw material mix used in the packaging does not contain any chemical ingredients and the packaging completely decomposes under aerobic conditions within a very short time.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Packaging with reinpapier®

reinpapier® is 100% sustainable packaging. All raw materials used for production are eco-friendly , 100% recyclable, and are completely harmless to people and the environment. Disposal or recycling of the packaging material is simple. reinpapier® is therefore suitable for the highest environmental requirements in the packaging industry.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

All-Natural Packaging

reinpapier® packaging's ingredients are very innovative and have no negative impact on the environment, e.g. on water, soil or air, climate, animals, plants or microorganisms, because the basic mix is 100% organic. All-natural reinpapier® causes no short- or long-term pollution or other damage to the environment.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Plastic-Free Packaging

The raw materials used in ecological packaging should be made of natural ingredients and should not contain any chemical substances. One packaging that exactly meets these characteristics is reinpapier®. The brand name reinpapier® stands for 100% plastic-free packaging and is suitable for a wide variety of industry sectors, including packaging solutions for medical technology and for the cosmetics industry.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Biodegradable Packaging

reinpapier® can be simply disposed of with waste paper and recycled - i.e. reused. Should a packaging be carelessly disposed of in nature, there is no harm, because the material decomposes naturally and completely within a few weeks.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Molded reinpapier® Packaging

We classify reinpapier® packaging solutions as environmentally friendly packaging. "Environmentally friendly" because the raw materials used in the packaging do not contain any chemical ingredients. reinpapier® is a revolutionary natural packaging whose four main ingredients are obtained directly from nature using renewable, reusable raw materials. The individual ingredients include 70% starch, 12% paper, 18% water and a specialized premix.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Organic Packaging Trays

Injection-molded paper packaging such as this tray made of reinpapier® is manufactured exclusively from renewable raw materials. The packaging is 100% organic and yet absolutely dimensionally stable and can be individually adapted to customer requirements or product contours. reinpapier® injection-molded packaging is also ideal as single-use, disposable packaging because it is recyclable and compostable. Single-use packaging is used for the majority of products on the market.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Block Pad from Corrugated Cardboard

A ripplex block pad is made from various individual corrugated board sheets which are glued together. The stability that a block cushion achieves is impressive. For example, heavy fan blades, axle carriers or other heavy-duty goods can be packed safely and easily. A great advantage of this packaging type is its flexibility. Several products of different shapes or sizes can be optimally secured with ripplex block pads.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

one-fix Package for Long Products

Packing longer products is often difficult. However, with our one-fix packaging solutions, this problem can easily be solved. In this case, the packaging is made in one single piece and is provided with a highly elastic and anti-slip retention foil. This effectively and securely holds long products in place and protects them from damage and impact. The theory of operation is simple! The products are clamped by a fixing foil during the folding of a special tensioning carrier.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

High Quality Solid Board Box

Premium packaging solutions for your best brands! Die-cut folding boxes are one of the most commonly used packaging products that securely cover different goods in both large and small formats. The folding boxes can be produced economically, delivered flat, are universally usable and easy to fill. In addition, the box offers plenty of space for promotional printing, even on the inside.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Disposable reinpapier® Tray

Do you want to package products with disposable packaging in an environmentally friendly and ecological way? We offer the best packaging solution for your requirements. Packaging made of reinpapier® is 100% ecological, because it is made of natural raw materials -- mostly starch and paper. The contour accuracy and product protection is in no way inferior to that of plastic packaging. The biggest advantage lies in the recycling and disposal of this clever packaging. While plastic takes up to 450 years to decompose, reinpapier® decomposes within days under aerobic conditions.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Box with Block Pad

In the picture you can see a simple cardboard box with a 7-layer block pad. This is a perfect example of how simple safe and elegant packaging can be. Usually, they are individual cutomized for a wide range of products. For this stable block pad, seven layers of corrugated cardboard were glued on top of each other to hold the products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Ampoule Packaging

Packaging made of solid board is very functional, because it can be used to transport smaller products safely. Medicine and pipette bottles can be easily fixed in the wave-shaped slots via the clamping effect. This type of packaging is therefore very suitable for applications in the medical industry. Circular medical products can be packed in multiple rows and are neatly sorted. The design also has a shock absorbing effect and at the same time protects the products from breaking.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Medication Tray

Packaging solutions made of reinpapier® are not only ecologically exceptional in terms of environmental packaging; they also provide advantages of low weight and exact contouring that optimally correspond to customer requirements. For the medical sector, we have created a medication tray which, despite the natural raw material composition, is extremely stable and can be reused several times. Disposal is environmentally friendly in the paper recycling bin.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

one-fix Box Packaging

Thanks to DE-PACK's sophisticated one-fix retention packaging, products can be packed quickly and securely in boxes. Versatile shipping items can be "clamped" under a tenioning film attached to the box in the blink of an eye. The packages are simply folded from the flat delivery state, the integrated foil is stretched and the products are firmly fixed in the box. The tuck-in flaps on the lid ensure a secure closure of the retention packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Packaging Tray

These beige-colored and elegantly shaped packaging trays made of reinpapier® are ideal for packaging and safely transporting consumer goods and their accessories such as cables and plugs. Our innovative reinpapier® packaging is produced in a climate-neutral process. Offer your customers extremely environmentally friendly packaging materials that are 100% recyclable and compostable.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard Divider with Outer Packaging

Corrugated cardboard dividers including outer carton - The perfect combination of a packaging solution made of corrugated cardboard. Grid tray inserts are unbeatable in terms of secure fixing and separation of electronic components, serial parts, construction parts or die cut parts. This packaging solution offers best handling in shipping and storage processes before the actual use due to the flat delivery. Assembled, the divider shows allows the components to be separated and therefore optimally protected from damage.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Organic Contoured Packaging

reinpapier® eco-packaging is 100% organic, i.e. as a waste product it does not negatively impact the environment or the entire eco-cycle. Compared to other packaging materials, such as thermoformed packaging, corrugated board, fiber castings or EPS packaging, the CO2 emissions per packaging tray are 85% lower due to the production process. The stability and contour integrity of reinpapier® is outstanding, even though the product is "only" industrial-strength paper molding.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Compostable Packaging

The main raw materials of reinpapier® packaging are water, paper fibers and industrial starch. The result is a unique ecological packaging product that is 100% compostable! Nature itself helps to efficiently decompose the material within a few weeks - pollution-free and without any harmful residues.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Organic Disposable Packaging

reinpapier® packaging is 100% compostable and therefore has no impact on the natural ecosystem, e.g. on water, soil or air, climate, animals, plants or microorganisms, because the basic material composition is 100% biological. reinpapier® products are ideal as disposable packaging for companies that attach great importance to quality and environmentally friendly packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Ecological Packaging

The world has been awaiting reinpapier®! reinpapier® is an ecological packaging developed to meet the high demands for environmentally conscious packaging. One of the most sustainable packaging products of recent years, reinpapier® is made from an innovative mixture of totally natural ingredients. With reinpapier® we reduce the impact of plastic microparticles on our ecosystem to a minimum. The packaging can be used in many different industries including: medical technology, spare parts industry, measurement and control technology, consumer electronics and many more.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Organic Packaging

With our innovative organic packaging made of reinpapier®, we are on the cutting edge, because the use of ecological and recyclable materials is currently the hot topic in the packaging industry. Solutions made of reinpapier® are 100% biological, i.e. as a waste product they do not negatively impact the environment or the entire eco-cycle.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® - Pen Trays

Where sustainable packaging solutions are needed, our reinpapier® packaging is the ideal solution. The basic components of this packaging are made entirely from natural raw materials. The ingredients are water, paper fibers and industrial starch. Nevertheless, the end product is 100% dimensionally stable and offers secure packaging protection.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Customized Corrugated Cardboard Packaging

We design customized packaging for complex products that do not meet standard dimensions. Using a wide variety of materials, such as corrugated cardboard, we can offer individual solutions that guarantee precise packaging and ensure clean and safe transport.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Paper Tray for Hinged Lid Box

The illustration shows a proven and practical device packaging for a mobile, high-performance vaporizer. The product is safely stored in a paper tray made of reinpapier®. In addition, the 100% environmentally friendly paper tray is designed to neatly hold not only the device, but also cables, accessories and operating instructions. There are no limits to our ingenuity and the packaging possibilities provided by reinpapier®.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Disposable Packaging

With our reinpapier® disposable packaging, we offer innovative and, above all, environmentally friendly molded parts packaging for a wide range of applications. This packaging type has many advantages, it is stackable, it is 100% recyclable, i.e. disposal can take place together with the waste paper. reinpapier® molded parts are ideally suited for the consumer electronics industry.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Injection Molded Packaging

reinpapier® packaging is manufactured using an injection molding process. The innovative feature of these packaging solutions is that they are made of 100% paper. Using this special manufacturing technique, we achieve an excellent level of detail and a high degree of dimensional accuracy for the packaging contours. The packaged products can easily be wrapped in an environmentally friendly manner avoiding any scratches and without polybags.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Small reinpapier® Container

Reduce the environmental impact of packaging to a minimum with reinpapier®. Our reinpapier® packaging solutions are 100% disposable, recyclable, and completely compostable, i.e. biodegradable. So score points with your customers with our aesthetically pleasing environmental packaging, which has excellent protective properties and can be supplied in various colors. Raised and recessed embossing of logos or texts can also be created during the production process.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Contour Tray

reinpapier® packaging is manufactured using a specially developed injection molding process. The main ingredients are water, paper fibers and industrial starch (potato and tapioca). This special paper foam mix is injected into an aluminum mold and baked to form the final packaging product. This creates very stable and practical trays or molded parts that can be used as disposable or even reusable packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Injection Molded Paper Packaging

With reinpapier® paper injection molded packaging, we design and manufacture environmentally friendly and custom molded parts or packaging solutions. In the picture you can see a packaging insert made of 100% paper, which is very light and provides high stability. No matter which molded part you need, we develop the right solution from paper for every customer requirement.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Paper Injection Molded Packaging

Our reinpapier® packaging provides excellent shock absorption in case of impacts and guarantees a precise fit and easy removal of products or other components, for example in the consumer electronics industry. Other advantages include: Low weight and complete recyclability, because reinpapier® solutions are made of 100 % paper.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Box/Tray

reinpapier® packaging is suitable for customized solutions of all kinds. We always develop solutions in close cooperation with the customer to ensure that the packaged products remain protected and safe during transportation between supplier and manufacturer. Our workflow in the development process includes the implementation of hand sketches, detailed 3D CAD drawings or 3D rapid prototyping.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Contoured Paper Insert

The ingredients in reinpapier® packaging consist entirely of natural raw materials that are 100% compostable. Wherever environmentally conscious thought processes take place and sustainable and high-quality solutions are required, reinpapier® packaging is the right choice. Just talk to us about your particular requirements.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Mold Insert

With its innovative, completely biodegradable reinpapier® packaging, DE-PACK offers an uncomplicated, responsible and environmentally friendly packaging solution for manufacturers and consumers.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Injection Molded Tray

Our contoured reinpapier® injection molded trays are always specifically tailored to your product. The trays shown in the picture are stackable, extremely dimensionally stable, and protect against scratches and impacts. The recyclable trays are ideal as transport protection for electronic devices, products from the consumer electronics industry, and much more.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® - Molded Paper Packaging

This environmentally friendly reusable molded packaging made of reinpapier® is used for the gentle transport of components or multi-part products or accessory components from the consumer electronics industry. reinpapier® packaging is a recycled product manufactured according to the highest quality guidelines, and of course in compliance with all quality and industry standards. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Contoured Packaging

Our high-quality contour trays made of reinpapier® can be customized according to your requirements and the respective product contents. The recyclable trays often consist of a top and bottom part (consumer electronics industry) in which the product and any accessories are securely positioned. After use, the paper trays can be conveniently recycled as a waste product at home together with the waste paper, composted or disposed of as organic waste.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Die Cut Folding Box

In our portfolio - corrugated cardboard folding boxes punched from one piece, including a lid which is easy to open and close. The sturdy, double-wall box is pressure resistant and ideal for transporting and storing medium-sized spare parts, components, tools and much more.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard Box ( E Flute)

We offer white hinged lid boxes made of corrugated cardboard. The E flute has the advantage that the cardboard or the surface is even easier to print on. Our well-designed box solutions are perfect when it comes to high quality printing or elegant box layouts. For example, as display packaging in the segment of high-value consumer products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

reinpapier® Packaging

Paper packaging solutions are among the most environmentally friendly packaging materials, as they are made entirely from natural resources and are 100% biodegradable (compostable). They are manufactured using injection molding and can be integrated into into an overall packaging strategy in many different industries. For example, paper packaging is used in the consumer electronics industry to securely hold products along with corresponding cables, batteries and other accessories.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Hinged Lid Box

We supply white or brown hinged lid boxes made of corrugated cardboard according to FEFCO standard. The customized boxes are great for printing and are ideal for transporting small and medium sized products. The side flaps of the lid are inserted into the bottom part of the box when it is to be closed, which gives the hinged lid packages very good stability due to the double wall.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Hanging Box

Folding boxes made of solid board are first-class presentation packaging solutions and can always be perfectly matched to the respective product. For example, a special printing, with or without viewing window, with Euro hole or carrying flap and so on. The possibilities to pack products in a high quality are endless.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM


In combination with an appropriate transport container, dividers are unbeatable when it comes to securely fixing and sorting electronic components, serial parts or stamped parts. The packaging can be delivered flat, in individual components for shipping convenience. Assembled, the dividers separate and protect against damage due to their good cushioning properties.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

One-Part Retention Packaging

With our high quality retention packaging one-fix, products can be "clamped" quickly and easily under a sheet of foil thanks to sophisticated folding technology. During the subsequent folding process, the foil is stretched and the product is firmly fixed in place. The tuck-in flaps on the lid of the packaging ensure that the retention packaging can be securely closed.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard Cushion Packaging

Corrugated cardboard - the classic among packaging materials. With our numerous corrugated cardboard solutions, we demonstrate the experience, versatility and our creativity when it comes to special customized solutions for product packaging. The illustration shows a smart cushioning package with corrugated cardboard top and bottom cushions, which securely hold the product (sensor) in the outer box and protect it against shocks during transport.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Hinged Lid Box, FEFCO 0427

We supply individual hinged lid boxes (FEFCO 0427) made of white or brown corrugated cardboard made to measure. The practical boxes are suitable for shipping small and medium sized products. The side elements of the lid are pushed into the bottom part when closed, creating a double wall which gives the packaging a very high level of stability.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Constructive Diecut Packaging from Corrugated Cardboard

Our creative diecut packages and their individual inserts are special constructive solutions when it comes to product packaging. DE-PACK packaging solutions are always individually developed for the product and precisely tailored to keep the item fixed inside the outer packaging.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Two-Part Retention Packaging Made of Corrugated Cardboard

The picture shows a two-part retention packaging made of corrugated cardboard. The packaging solution consists of the outer carton and a stretch carrier with an integrated foil. Due to the elasticity of the foil, a wide range of products can be used for this type of packaging, as the foil adapts to many different shapes. The special design guarantees safe shipping of your goods.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Die Cut from Corrugated Cardboard as Circuit Board Carrier

The illustration shows a die cut from corrugated cardboard, which is adapted to the final end product. In this case, it is about the safe packaging of circuit boards that shall be protected from impacts and other influences during transport. The punched holes are designed so that the sheet can be used as a printed circuit board carrier by folding it over and plugging it in. The electronics and automotive sectors are the main areas of application.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Individual Constructive Packaging from Corrugated Cardboard

With our many years of experience, we always coordinate the requirements for new packaging in close cooperation with the customer. We develop a safe and functional packaging solution made of corrugated board for your product. The picture shows a two part packaging solution made of corrugated cardboard for a brush head. The brush is positioned in the center of the outer packaging and is eventually fixed in place with a hold-down device. So we ensure the optimal product protection, easy handling and at the same time appropriate presentation of your product.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Ampoule Packaging for Medical Products

Compact, practical and functional! Properties that distinguish our ampoule packaging solutions made of solid board. Small goods, such as medicine and pipette bottles, can be neatly sorted in the wave-shaped holders. The design has a shock-absorbing effect and at the same time perfectly protects the product from damage. In addition, this packaging can be opened in via a self-adhesive seal. Furthermore, the white boxes are ideal for printing.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM
Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Telescope Box from Solid Board

The illustration shows a special variant of our exclusive premium packaging solutions. It is a telescope box made of solid board with a glossy surface finish. With these high quality telescope boxes, we cover a wide range of customer requirements from different industries. The boxes can be used for cosmetic products, consumer electronics or for elegant presentation purposes.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Component Carrier from Corrugated Cardboard

The illustration shows a customized packaging solutions made of corrugated cardboard, which is also suitable for packing heavier products. The outer box is provided with a die cut inner part to hold the component carrier. This is provided with handles at the sides to make it easier to remove the inner part together with the product. This type of packaging solution is suitable for a wide range of industries, such as automotive or even the machine construction industry.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Retention Packaging (one-fix) for Medical Devices

Under the designation "one-fix" you can obtain innovative retention packaging solutions for medical devices of any kind. The product is quickly and easily placed under a tensioning foil and absolutely tightly and securely clamped when the package is folded. This creates a closed one-part retention packaging, which can be perfectly imprinted with your corporate identity.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Telescope Box from Chipboard

Telescope boxes made of gray cardboard usually consist of two or more parts. The lid is pushed over the bottom part. In this case, the corners of the box are glued and the cardboard is ready assembled. The inner sides are laminated in white, which provides a classy look. Telescope boxes are robust and can be opened and closed quickly at any time.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Ampoule Tray

DE-PACK folding boxes with practical self-adhesive seal are effective and versatile. Small goods, in this case medicine or pipette bottles, are protected and neatly sorted. The cardboard slipcase can be pulled out of the folding box in no time. In addition, the solid boxes in elegant white are perfect for printing.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Divider Inlay from Corrugated Cardboard

Our individual divider inlays made of corrugated cardboard are suitable for any type of outer packaging. Depending on the height of the outer carton, several dividers can also be stacked with an intermediate layer. This ensures that your products or components are stored efficiently and are transported safely.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Divider with Outer Packaging

Solid board dividers are ideal for the safe separation of fragile and sensitive products, e.g. jars and bottles and many more. In addition, the products inside the dividers are protected from shock and vibration. The final packaging unit is completed with an outer carton that precisely encloses the divider inlay.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Folding Box with Slipcase

Single-part solid board folding boxes combined with a telescope sleeve are trendy packaging solutions used primarily in the consumer electronics industry, for example for electrical equipment, household devices, computer parts, and many more. The telescope sleeve is simply pushed over the folding box and can be printed over a large area on all sides. Without disturbing edges, the sleeves are an ideal advertising medium for your products. At the same time, the packaged goods are effectively protected from dust and dirt.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Folding Box with Dust Flaps

The classic among corrugated cardboard packaging solutions - the folding box! Their individuality and versatility is what sets tthem apart. They are environmentally friendly, recyclable, very sturdy, resealable, dirt and dust repellent, easy to transport and much more. Corrugated cardboard folding boxes are used in almost all industries.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Two-Part Retention Packaging duo-fix

The innovation and the essential component of a two-part retention packaging duo-fix are the corrugated cardboard carrier and the foil strip under which the products are placed. Due to the lateral flap construction of the corrugated board carrier, the products are held tightly and securely in place when folded. The retention packaging now only needs to be placed in the precisely fitting outer carton.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Constructive Packaging

Always tailored to your requirements, we develop functional and customized packaging made of corrugated cardboard for you. The illustration shows a two-part packaging solution made of corrugated cardboard. An outer box with an automatic bottom for quick set up. Optimal product protection, easy handling and an appealing presentation of your products - All in one package!

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard Folding Box

With our premium folding boxes, we meet a wide range of customer requirements. The corrugated cardboard boxes can be ideally printed and customized according to your ideas. Whether with a hanger or designed as a small folding box, for example to pack giveaways, with our clever folding boxes you always have the perfect solution.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Two-Part Packaging duo-fix for Laptops

The basis of our two-part retention packaging duo-fix are corrugated cardboard carriers with foil strips. The product, e.g. a laptop, is simply pushed under the fixing film and then tightened by the side flaps of the corrugated board carrier. The carrier just needs to be inserted into the custom-fit outer carton, and one of our proven and secure retention packaging solutions is ready for shipment.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Die Cut Packaging

Based on your products, DE-PACK develops individual die cut packaging made of solid board for you. In this case for cream jars. The illustration shows a shipping box with an attached inlay, which can be ideally used as a transport package as well as a presentation package. Your products are perfectly protected with our packaging solutions and are presented in a promotionally effective, simple and elegant way.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Dividers from Corrugated Cardboard

Corrugated board dividers are used for securing and sorting of electronic components, construction parts, or stamped parts. The compartments have a shock-absorbing effect and also prevent scratching of sensitive surfaces. This form of corrugated board packaging is also available from us with PP coating. The combination with plastic containers or small load carriers is ideal for transport.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

one-fix Retention Packaging

When it comes to ultra-fast packaging, our one-part one-fix retention packs are the perfect solution for protecting your products. The product is placed under a sheet of foil and then fixed via the tension wings of the corrugated cardboard box. This allows the product to be packed safely and without slipping. After folding, this creates a packaging unit ready for shipping.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

One-Part Folding Box from Corrugated Cardboard

This one-piece corrugated cardboard folding box is a DE-PACK individual solution for quick and practical packaging of a control unit. The product is secured inside the box by corresponding die-cut profiles in the hinged lid, and at the same time there is sufficient storage space for cables and instruction manuals. Folding boxes are also available in DIN formats.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Constructive Packaging from Corrugated Cardboard

With corrugated cardboard packaging solutions by DE-PACK, the safe shipment of your components is guaranteed. A folded inlay with a die cut profile inside the outer box, also made of corrugated cardboard, protects the products from damage and holds them in place.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Sliding Box

Solid board sliding boxes in neutral white are practical when packaging needs to be flat, light and simple. The boxes can be opened effortlessly and are available in many sizes. Ideal for shipping and storing small or spare parts, samples, merchandise and much more.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Folding Box from Solid Board

Solid board folding boxes in neutral white are practical when packaging needs to be flat, lightweight and stable. The popular boxes are designed with a hinged lid and tuck-in flaps and are available in a wide range of DIN sizes. Ideal for shipping and storing small or spare parts, samples, merchandise, and much more.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

duo-fix Medical Retention Package

This retention packaging slution for medical products holds the bottle firmly and slip-proof between a cardboard carrier and a stretch foil. The special foil of this protective packaging is anti-slip and extremely elastic. This safely protects your products from slipping inside the outer carton. Furthermore, the wrapping offers numerous design and printing possibilities.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Hanging Box

The printed hanging boxes by DE-PACK have a stable additional flap with double material thickness and a pin hole. This is used for suspension from self-service stands. Hanging boxes are often used for: Pens, software, playing cards, labels, musical instruments or consumer electronics products.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard Box with (VCI) Tray Insert

Corrugated cardboard boxes with divider tray inserts are generally used wherever safe and contact-free separation of sensitive components is required. The box interior is divided into several compartments, which perfectly separate the sensitive products from each other. Also available with ESD and VCI protection.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Folding Box with Viewing Window

More than just a cover!

Folding boxes with viewing window are used for brand promotion and product presentation. As solid board product packaging, they are easy to be printed. In addition, with the integrated transparent window, they can create a purchase-deciding effect on the consumer.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Retention Package with Tear Flap

The retention packaging one-fix with two integrated tearing perforations ensures easy and fast opening of the package. This type of packaging is very often found in online mail order.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Retention Package duo-fix

With our two-part retention packaging solutions, your products are protected reliably and securely! You do not need any additional packaging material. The product, for example a laptop, can be clamped very quickly onto a corrugated board carrier with the help of a clamping foil to prevent it from slipping and can then be stowed securely in the outer carton.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

one-fix Retention Packaging from Corrugated Cardboard

The elastic and anti-slip foil of this retention packaging holds products safely and quickly in place. This one-part solution one-fix made from corrugated cardboard protects against damage caused by shock and vibration.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Display

Perfectly packed! Displays made of solid board.

This multipart display by DE-Pack is designed to hold twelve solid board boxes with viewing windows. Ideal for product presentation or sales promotions.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Membrane Packaging (tri-fix)

The three-part packaging solution tri-fix is a membrane cushion packaging that provides the best possible protection for high quality and sensitive components. The packaging product is clamped between two highly elastic, anti-slip films inside the outer carton. The membrane film adapts to the contour of the product when the package is closed. This design preserves the product from shocks and breakage and provides durable protection.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Folding Corrugated Cardboard Box (VCI protection)

VCI-coated folding corrugated cardboard boxes effectively protect packaged products that are susceptible to corrosion. Your products are therefore constantly protected against corrosion during storage and transport.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Divider Inlay

In this case study, DE-PACK dividers made of solid board are used for the safe separation of salt shakers. The divider inlay is then accurately enclosed by an outer carton.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

tri-fix Transport Packaging

tri-fix - The unique membrane packaging by DE-PACK!

The three-part design provides ideal protection against impact and breakage due to two highly elastic, anti-slip films.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

one-fix Retention Package

Our packaging solution one-fix is a type of retention packaging whose highly elastic and anti-slip foil securely holds your product (e.g. cell phone) in place and protects it from damage caused by shock, vibration and external impact. The products are quickly placed by tension wings during folding and can be easily loosened again at any time. After the folding process, a closed package is created via the closure of the self-adhesive flap. The package can then be opened via the tearing perforation.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

duo-fix Retention Packaging

You want to protect your products reliable and safe? No problem, with our two-part retention packaging solutions duo-fix all kinds of goods are securely packed. You do not need any additional packaging material. With the help of a tensioning foil, the products are quickly clamped onto a corrugated cardboard carrier and can then be securely stowed in the outer carton.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM


tri-fix is a very special packaging solution made of three corrugated cardboard carriers, in which components or products are fixed in an inner membrane construction which protects them from shocks and vibrations. A great advantage of this solution is that no further padding or filling material is required.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM


one-fix - The smart retention packaging solution by DE-PACK, whose highly elastic and anti-slip foil securely fixes the product and protects it from damage.

The packaged goods are quickly secured by tensioning wings during folding and can be loosened again at any time. After the folding process, a closed package is created.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Retention Packaging

Only two parts and your products are adequately packed. duo-fix retention packaging by DE-PACK ensures safety and a firm fit. The inner packaging unit is a corrugated cardboard carrier, which is covered by an elastic film of foil. The foil adapts perfectly to the shape of the product and the actual securing is done by two folding wings by which the foil is stretched. After that, the corrugated cardboard carrier is placed inside the outer carton. The retention package is complete and ready for shipment.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Membrane Cushion Packing

tri-fix are low cost membrane cushion packings made of sturdy corrugated cardboard, in combination with a stretched foil. A minimum of materials, but an optimum of product protection. The product is placed between two films that form a membrane. The films adapt to the shapes of the products and secure them with absolute care. Heavier goods with a weight of up to 30 kg can also be packed.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

One-Part Retention Package

The picture shows a closed one-part packaging solution by DE-PACK. The package can be opened quickly by the consumer using a pull strip. The product is securely fixed under a tensioning foil and can be easily removed after opening.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Transparent Package

In terms of product presentation, transparent packaging is characterized by a typical feature. With the use of transparent surfaces, you can turn your package contents into an eye-catcher.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Stacking Container with Divider from Corrugated Cardboard

Corrugated cardboard stacking containers with dividers and lids ensure safe separation of heavier components. The stable dividers made of corrugated cardboard prevent the individual components from moving inside the package. In addition, the containers can be easily stacked with the help of the lateral mounts.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Customized Solution from Corrugated Cardboard

Corrugated cardboard solutions by DE-PACK can be used in a variety of ways. They are often found as a constructive packaging solution for technical components. The die cut profiles in the corrugated cardboard protect the products from slipping or falling out.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Retention Packaging (One-Piece)

With its elastic and anti-slip foil, this one-part retention package (one-fix) is the best solution to hold products securely and in place. At the same time it protects against damage from shocks, vibrations. Also available in a special ESD version.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM
Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Divider from Solid Board

Dividers made of solid board are primarily used for the safe separation of sensitive parts and products. The workpiece surfaces are protected from abrasion and impact inside the divider sections.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard Pallet

Environmentally friendly, lightweight, resilient and very cost-effective - pallets made of corrugated board. 
Due to the low weight of the pallets and the resulting cost advantage, they are particularly suitable for air freight. In addition to standard sizes, we can also implement individual dimensional requirements for you. Of course, our corrugated cardboard pallets are 100% recyclable and therefore very sustainable.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Customized Corrugated Cardboard Packaging

DE-PACK's corrugated cardboard packages can be used in a variety of ways, for example as a packaging solution for engine components. The die cut profiles in the corrugated cardboard ideally protect the parts from scratches or moving inside the box.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard with Solid Board Divider (VCI)

Solid board dividers are used for the safe and contactless separation of sensitive components. VCI coating can effectively protect products that are vulnerable to corrosion. Dividers split the carton space into several compartments, separating fragile goods. Due to their versatility, dividers find their field of application in many industries.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard Die Cut Packaging

DE-PACK's die cut corrugated cardboard packaging is an excellent sales promoter and offers optimal protection for your products. Die cut packaging made of corrugated cardboard offers high load-bearing capacity with minimal material usage. The packages stack well, allow easy handling and are quick to open. In addition, they can be printed in high quality.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Cardboard Sheet with PE Lamination

Adapted to your needs, we offer custom cuts made of cardboard laminated with PE foam. These can be used as edge protectors, protective corners or inserts and much more. DE-PACK primarily uses PE foam, but other foams can also be laminated onto the cardboard according to your wishes.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Die Cut Packaging from Corrugated Cardboard

Our die cut corrugated cardboard packaging is cut to fit your product exactly, protecting it from impact during transport and shipping. In addition to securing your products for transport, we always strive to develop our die cut solutions to be visually appealing.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Folding Box

Achieve that certain something with your packaging! Our solid board folding boxes are often used as exclusive sales packaging (In the picture with Euro hole). With flexo, offset and digital printing, all required printing methods are possible. Of course also with additional refinements, for example gloss or matt finishes as well as embossment.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Membrane Box

Membrane boxes by DE-PACK are a smart transport and storage box with two elastic, transparent membranes in between which the product is kept in place. Our membrane boxes ensure optimal storage and safe shipping of high quality components. The boxes are stackable and have a long service life due to high quality plastic material. For example, they are frequently used in health care to hold prostheses.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

tri-fix – Membrane Packaging

Our three-part tri-fix membrane packaging solution by DE-PACK protects sensitive products of all kinds. The product is "floating" between two films which adapt perfectly to a wide variety of product shapes. The finished transport packaging consists of two membrane cushions and an outer carton.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

duo-fix Retention Packaging

The duo-fix packaging combination by DE-PACK is a two-part packaging solution that guarantees a firm hold for your products during transport. Part one is a corrugated cardboard carrier, which is covered with an elastic film of foil. The foil adapts perfectly to the shape of the product when folded and holds the product firmly and securely in place. Part two is the outer carton into which the folded cardboard carrier is inserted.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

one-fix Retention Packaging

Via a sophisticated production technique, in combination with a film of foil, your products are quickly held in place by tensioning wings during folding. After folding, this creates a closed one-piece package. The product is placed safely in position. In addition, using one-fix packages, the products can also be loosened again at any time.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Solid Board Divider

Our dividers made of solid board are customized product separators, manufactured according to the specific needs of our customers. Solid board dividers are primarily used for the safe separation of sensitive components or die-cut parts. In addition, the component surfaces inside the compartments are protected from abrasion and impact.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Corrugated Cardboard Divider

Our corrugated cardboard dividers are often used as inlays for boxes to transport vials or other glass products. With an intermediate layer, an outer box can also be equipped with multiple dividers, which increases the packaging units.

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